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"Latest Creation"


The pictures of the "Latest Creation" on the main page of this website aren't lasting too long right now. I am working my way through a very long 'To Do' list. The first few items were custom orders. Right now I am working my way through ideas and items to add to my 'stock' for the fall.

The most recently _completed_ item was a custom order Baby Blanket. I wove a second Baby Blanket at the same time, but was too excited to start on the next project so the second blanket is waiting for the finishing work to be done.

Custom Ordered Baby Blanket

Close up of stripes and fringe on Baby Blanket

I am in the middle of setting up the loom for a Nap Blanket which is loaded with different colors and patterns. I am very excited to start the weaving on this project - probably next week.

Colorful yarns being used for the Nap Blanket (left).

Setting up the loom for the Nap Blanket (right).

Upcoming projects are going to include some new, and very interesting, patterns (hint -- HEARTS!!).

Be sure to check back here frequently for updates on new projects both completed and in progress.

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